
Solomon-PNG Copper-Gold belt contains combined resources of >158Moz Au, 26Mt Cu: a significant portion of the world’s inventory in these metals; great address!


The Tirua project is situated in a large volcanic caldera that only has been partially explored, in part due to access, in part due to previous workers being distracted by early good copper drill intercepts (62m @ 0.45% Cu).


Our team has recognized, a primary lithocap (buried) covered porphyry target based on element zonation in soil geochemistry, nearby to the SW of the drill confirmed copper intercepts, now interpreted as leakage up faults.

There’s more…

  • Sanatana will also give attention to the epithermal gold potential of the Caldera. Previous drilling intercepted this style of mineralization, (14m @ 1.4 g/t), “accidentally.” Numerous positive assays for gold in the soil, trenches, rock chips (rock chips up to 153 g/t Au) were never drill targeted as the focus was copper mineralization. Forestry activity has opened up the caldera to exploration. Sanatana’s first step will be to map and sample the road system with the aid of an excavator.

  • Airborne geophysics show other potential porphyry centres in the caldera which have never been drill tested, additionally porphyry style IP chargeability anomalies untested.

  • Numerous opportunities in this large system.