
100% Sanatana owned (since Jan. 31, 2019)

282km2 Prospecting License granted over a 16km wide mineralized collapsed caldera setting in a world class and prolific copper-gold mining region, completely permitted for exploration

Solomon Islands are situated north of Australia and to the east of Papua New Guinea and form part of a prolific mineralised belt, with numerous world class gold and copper mines.


Stable Jurisdiction

  • Established Mines and Minerals Act 1990 (Amended 2014).

  • Prospecting Licenses (PL) are issued after settlement of landowner surface access agreements, for an initial 3 year term, transferrable and renewable with Ministerial approval.

  • Mining leases are converted from a PL for a 25 year period, also renewable with Ministerial approval.

  • 3% royalty on the gross value of minerals mined, shared between National and Provincial government and local landowners.

  • Corporate tax rate of 35% non-resident co., 20% resident co.


Favourable Logistics

  • International airports and shipping. Local logistical support via air and sea.

  • Widespread reliable wireless telecommunications network.

  • Well established local commercial businesses and skilled labour workforce.

  • Barge access to site, airstrip 4km from project.